• Guide
  • Getting Started
  • Create a new bot

Creating a Spark Bot


CLI Installation

Spark now has a CLI which you can use to boostrap your project with all of the things you need to create a Spark bot.

To install the CLI, you need to run the create-spark npm package.

npm create spark
yarn create spark
pnpm create spark

After you run this, you'll see the list of commands. Run the previous command you did with init at the end to initialize a Spark bot.

You will be asked a few questions regarding your bot. If you'd like to skip this, you can pass the -y flag to use the default settings.

TypeScript is enabled by default.

Manual Installation

To create a new Spark project, install the @spark.ts/handler package.

npm i @spark.ts/handler
yarn add @spark.ts/handler
pnpm add @spark.ts/handler


In your main file, create a client variable. Inside of the client declaration, you can put the following options:

export interface SparkClientOptions {
   * Directories used by the client.
   * If you're using TypeScript, point this to your `dist` folder directories!
  directories?: {
    events?: string;
    commands?: string;
   * The log level for the logger
  logLevel?: 'Debug'  | 'Info' | 'Warn' | 'Error' | 'Success';
   * The prefix used for text commands
  prefix?: string;

You can also put options from the Discord.js ClientOptions.

TypeScript & ESM

import { SparkClient } from '@spark.ts/handler';
export const client = new SparkClient({
  intents: ['Guilds', 'GuildMessages'],
  // If you're using TS, use your dist folder.
  directories: {
    events: './dist/events',
    commands: './src/commands',


const { SparkClient } = require('@spark.ts/handler');
const client = new SparkClient({
  intents: ['Guilds', 'GuildMessages'],
  // Default directories, you can remove this option if you're using these.
  directories: {
    events: './src/events',
    commands: './src/commands',
module.exports = client;

Starting Your Bot

With Spark, all you have to do is client.login(token). This initializes all of your commands, events, and pre-process plugins (if applicable).

Last updated on January 28, 2023